360 degree Assessment 1234 Please answer the following questions with respect to the candidate you are assessing.Is vocal with her opinions and persuades others with enthusiasm to influence outcomesNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too muchOpenly communicates position on issues, when she agrees as well as when she disagreesNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too muchShares useful information, and contributes ideas and suggestions to help the groupNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too muchVoices her opinions in meetingsNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too muchDelegates tasks to her teamNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too muchHas executive presence and comes across as someone with influenceDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeutralSomewhat agreeAgreeDemonstrates courage and confidenceNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too muchProvides clear direction to team and communicates goals and plans clearly to teamNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too muchEstablishes credibility with superiors by keeping them updated on her plans and progressNot enoughAdequateIs a strengthA bit too much For the following attributes, please select the option that best describes the candidate.Decision making Hesitates to make decisions Sometimes makes decisions independently and swiftly Often makes decisions independently and swiftly Tends to make rash decisions Being inclusive in decision making Not open to hearing other people’s input Sometimes willing to listen to other people’s input Often willing to listen to other people’s input Spends too much time listening to other people’s input; can slow down the process Time management Is hands on and focused on day-to-day activities Balances value-creating tasks with putting out daily fires Focuses on value-creating tasks but not enough on day-to-day activities Creates a lot of activity, but the impact is not really visible Setting expectations for delegated tasks Tends to leave things ambiguous; lets others figure things out for themselves Sometimes provides clear expectations on what is required Often provides clear expectations on what is required Micromanages Maintaining a balance between the big picture and the details Not detail oriented; tends to miss important information Sometimes gets into the details, but not enough Gets into the details just enough to get the job done Too focused on details; can slow things down Implementation of new ideas Tends to be cautious with new ideas Somewhat open to new ideas Is open to new ideas and implements them in a timely fashion Is open to new ideas but is slow to follow through and implement Impact on business Delivers well on assigned tasks, but doesn’t take the initiative to go beyond Takes the initiative to volunteer for additional tasks for the team’s sake Takes some initiative to come up with new ideas to improve things Shows considerable initiative to challenge status quo and originate new ideas Negotiation skills Gets overly aggressive in negotiations and hurts relationships Sometimes achieves good outcomes in negotiations without hurting relationships Often achieves good outcomes in negotiations without hurting relationships Too willing to compromise; settles for suboptimal outcomes to preserve relationships For the following attributes, please select the option that best describes the candidate.Openness to feedback Not very open to accepting advice and feedback Sometimes open to accepting feedback Often accepts feedback positively and works on it to improve Too easily influenced by other people’s opinions Providing supervision and support to team Doesn’t follow up adequately; expects people to deliver on time without much supervision Somewhat monitors progress and provides support with decisions where required to move things forward Adequately monitors progress and provides support with decisions where required to move things forward Micromanages Challenging the team to deliver results Too lenient; does not demand high performance from team Somewhat lenient with team Sets high standards for team and pushes them to deliver their best Unreasonably demanding on team Disposition toward authority Too deferential to people in authority Somewhat deferential to people in authority Respects authority and collaborates well with superiors, but challenges when needed to influence outcomes Does not collaborate well with superiors; tends to defy authority Ability to influence through internal network Does not have a strong network within the organization Is somewhat connected internally Has good relationships across the organization but does not leverage them to exert influence Is well connected internally and leverages alliances across the organization to contribute to unit’s success External visibility Does not have visibility outside the organization Has some visibility outside the organization Has good external visibility and is well respected within the community Has good external visibility and leverages that to influence company’s success Stakeholder management Does not communicate enough with stakeholders to take them along on her plans Somewhat communicates with stakeholders Communicates well with stakeholders to achieve desired results Spends too much time communicating with stakeholders; can slow down the process For the following attributes, please select the option that best describes the candidate.Leadership style Too authoritative and dominant Somewhat authoritative and dominant Adequately holds team accountable to deliver results Somewhat permissive Overly permissive; allows team to become complacent Empathy Insensitive to other people’s feelings Somewhat insensitive Adequately considerate of other people’s feelings Somewhat too sensitive Too sensitive to other people’s feelings Likeability Abrasive; provokes opposition from others Somewhat abrasive Gets along well with colleagues and is well liked Somewhat tries too hard to stay in everyone’s good books Tries too hard to stay in everyone’s good books Working with peers Highly competitive and aggressive Somewhat competitive and aggressive Maintains good balance between interests of own unit vs others Somewhat too accommodating of others’ interests Maintains harmony at all costs; doesn’t challenge peers enough Team spirit Self-centered; not willing to compromise Somewhat self-centered Collaborative approach; facilitates results through team effort Somewhat too willing to compromise Too willing to go along and compromise Knowledge of work Needs to work on improving knowledge in area of responsibility Somewhat knowledgeable Adequately knowledgeable and confident in her ability to deliver on role Adequately knowledgeable but needs to trust her own expertise Physical and mental disposition Comes across as depleted and burned out Somewhat energetic Reasonably energetic Comes across as enthusiastic and full of energy Attitude toward risk Tends to avoid risk; takes the safest option Somewhat avoids risk Takes adequate risk and experiments with new ideas Somewhat too quick to take risk Too quick to take risk without proper analysis or contingencies Ambition Is committed to delivering well on the job, but not really ambitious Is somewhat keen on progressing in her career Is keen on progressing in her career, but not necessarily into leadership positions Is ambitious and wants to reach positions of power Is a little too ambitious Inclination toward management roles Prefers to be an individual contributor Somewhat enjoys managing a team Enjoys managing a team, but avoids acting like the boss Somewhat enjoys taking charge and directing others Enjoys taking charge and directing others What does the candidate do that you find particularly effective? (Please list two or three specific items.)What specific suggestions would you have for the candidate on how she could become even more effective? (Please list two or three specific items.)