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At Rekindle, we always encourage you to pay attention to your needs and take care of yourself.

In that spirit, we have provided you with an option to take a mini-break from the program for two weeks at your convenience. You will be able to use this option twice over the course of the program.

Why are we offering this?

  1. So you can enjoy your vacation.

We respect your vacation time. By scheduling a mini-break, you can have uninterrupted vacations and come back refreshed for more! 

  1. To give you bonus time. 

Rekindle is designed so you can take 10 minutes a day just for yourself and your growth. But sometimes, despite our best intentions, life gets in the way—happens to the best of us. So here’s a little window of opportunity to schedule a mini-break and review those lessons you’ve been meaning to!  

  1. Just for a break.

Sometimes even when we totally love something, we may feel like stepping away for a bit. That’s OK. If you feel like you need some time to process everything you’ve learned so far, go for it. Give yourself the mini-break you need so you can come back recharged for more! We’ll be right here for you when you return.

How does it work?

The mini-break is set up to start on the first working day of each week. When you schedule it, you will stop receiving lessons and email notifications for the following two weeks. 

At the end of the two weeks, you will pick up from where you left off! On that day, you’ll receive the next lesson in the program so you can continue seamlessly. It’s that simple!

What’s the right decision?

If you feel it’s going great for you the way it is and you don’t need a mini-break right now, that’s awesome. Keep going, you! 

If you feel like taking a mini-break might help, that’s completely fine too. We recommend you take it so you can make the most of the rest of the program (there’s still a lot of great stuff coming)!

Just see what you need right now, and give yourself that.